Initial grade
(wt. % C)
Final grade
(wt. % C)
Carbon recovery
Sample yield
Size separation
FA PS1 7.04 +150 µm 12.56 77.86 43.67
FA PS2 4.01 +75 µm 8.44 64.87 30.82
Electrostatic separation 1st stage
FA PS1 12.56 M1 and C bins 36.71 72.16 26.10
FA PS2 8.44 M1 and C bins 25.67 68.77 26.96
BA PS1 5.47 C bin 26.88 22.79 6.04
GA East 6.90 C bin 26.80 45.82 13.32
Electrostatic separation 2nd stage
FA PS1 36.71 M1 and C bins 44.30 73.62 55.86
FA PS2 25.67 M1 and C bins 36.70 78.55 52.43
BA PS1 26.88 C bin 45.17 36.62 24.76
GA East 26.80 C bin 37.12 50.21 31.84
Magnetic separation
FA PS1 44.30 0.5 65.74 77.36 60.20
FA PS2 36.70 0.5 56.55 50.83 33.65
BA PS1 45.17 0.5 53.21 86.17 76.00
GA East 37.12 1.5 45.10 73.15 62.60
FA PS1 7.04 NA 65.74 32.00 3.83
FA PS2 4.01 NA 56.55 17.80 1.47
BA PS1 5.47 NA 53.21 7.19 1.14
GA East 6.90 NA 45.10 16.83 2.65